There are a couple of documents you can raise to perform stock movements in SAP. You can add stock, issue out stock, return stock to store or supplier, transfer stock between bin locations and warehouses. You can access inventory transactions from Modules > Inventory > Inventory Transactions

Some of the transactions you can perform in SAP Business One include

1. Goods Issue - Reduces inventory by issuing out stock item

2. Goods Return - Increases inventory by returning in stock that was issued out

3. Inventory Transfer - Moves stock inventory from one bin location/warehouse to another

4. Inventory Counting - Matches what is in stock in SAP with what is physically in warehouse/bin location

5. Inventory Posting - Increases/Reduces stock depending on the counted quantity from inventory counting document

6. Goods Receipt - Increases stock in cases of a non purchased item or an overlooked physically counted item during inventory counting

Learn more on Inventory Transactions from the following SAP resource:

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